Everyone wants to earn extra income. Unless you are filthy rich, the reality is that most jobs just don't pay enough these days to make it. This webpage is dedicated to the fact that it is possible to make extra money using your digital camera. As long as you have a decent digital camera you can start making those extra dollars in a relatively short period of time.
Now, I know this seems unrealistic. I was skeptical as well, just because of the premise. The immediate response is to ask why would anyone want my pictures? But once you get past this initial thought and get below the surface, you realize that the market for digital photography is exploding.
Here is how it works. There are a number of online companies that sell pictures on a per use basis. Four years ago there were a few of these companies, and today there are many more. The pictures are available to anyone who pays these companies money.
The key here is the answer to the question 'where do the online companies get their pictures?' The answer is from independent sellers. These independent sellers are people just like you and me. The online photo companies have no interest in purchasing high powered photographs from professional photographers. They simply can't afford to pay for the professional. Instead, they turn to the individual with the high quality digital camera who is willing to submit their photos into a database (which is provided by the online photo company) and let them be marketed.
This system is such that you, the photographer, can take as many high quality photographs as you want, submit them to the online companies, and have thousands of photos for sale to the rest of the world 24 hours a day.
The potential here is interesting. It cost you nothing to snap the photo. It cost you nothing to upload the photo. The online picture company will be promoting, marketing, getting tons of traffic to their website. Your photos will be there. Lots of people (potential buyers) will see them. Some of them will start getting purchased. And here is another kicker. The purchaser is only paying for the right to use the photograph, rather than the actual picture. This means you can sell the same photograph over and over. The residual on any one photograph is potentially unlimited, because you can just keep selling the rights to it multiple times.
To learn more about this growing, low cost and amazing market please visit Camera Dollars. You will be glad you did.